Sunday, September 15, 2024

poets respond - i kill

  i submitted this to Rattle, Poets Respond the other week

after the shootings on a kentucky highway

poets respond - Poets Respond® | Rattle: Poetry

I kill

By Mike Hammer



Squatted in the woods

On a Kentucky roadside

My AR style rifle showers front windshields in on drivers and blows out tires

A man emerges from his car to inspect his tire and I marvel at the tiny hold that appears in the man’s neck, and the huge amount of blood that begins to flow out of it

I did that

I put a new mag in my AR and hit a woman in the arm, she spins and yelps with pain

Her eyes search the horizon for the cause of the pain, the reason

I shoot her in the right eyeball

The eyeball explodes and the eye socket becomes a crater

Her body collapses down in a heap, next to the man who is strewn out on the ground and still trying to stop the blood rushing out of his neck

Now other people from the cars stopped along the highway come to look

There are about a dozen cars I have stopped and more are slowing down, rubberneckin


It is the last thing they will be concerned about

2 men I kill with headshots

1 woman I shoot in the calf

As all the other people hustle out of their cars and start to run away I shoot people - like target practice, like killing cattle, like culling a herd,  cause someone has to- in the back of the legs, or the back of the arm, of the back of the head, or in the lower back

The people are now running beyond my range

some fall bout I am not sure if I hit them or where

I spray off a few dozen more bullets then pack my rifle away

I turn and pick up my backpack, full of supplies

And I start my hike into the woods

Leaving those on the highway dead and dying behind me

screaming in pain

Some of their ghosts chase me

As I hike deeper into the woods

The ghosts make a horrid noise and smell and I’m not sure if I can kill them

But I’ma try


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